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Касса BRAVO!
  • Для оплаты: *3221 или 072-275-3221
  • вс-чт 08:00-21:00, пт: 08:00-15:00, сб: 08:00-21:00
Рок концерты

Okean Elzy — 30th Anniversary


Продолжительность: 1 час 30 минут

Doors opening: 19:30
Songs in Ukrainian
World famous as Ukraine’s biggest and most successful rock band, OKEAN ELZY is returning to Tel Aviv to commemorate 30 years of their musical journey and celebrate the band's 30th anniversary.
As part of the Help for Ukraine World Concert Tour, the main goals of this tour are not only to unite people worldwide in support of Ukraine and its citizens affected by war but also to raise financial aid for the country.
During this tour, OKEAN ELZY has already circled the globe twice, performing at prestigious venues such as The Royal Albert Hall, Madison Square Garden, The Apollo, and others. They are eagerly looking forward to returning to Israel to perform for their loyal fans.

VIP — Seated table places on the second floor of the hall, with a perfect view of the stage.
The package includes: light snacks, 3 drinks of your choice: red or white wine, vodka, whiskey, non-alcoholic beverages.
If you wish to sit together with friends at the same table, please place a joint order or notify us in advance to combine your bookings.

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Город Дата Место проведения
Тель-Авив-Яффо Ангар 11 Тель-Авив 201 билет
409 - 1299
купить билеты без мест 1 час 30 минут